1. Marlboro Mediums, soft pack
    The flannel that inhaled them
    keeping my secret safe
  1. The vending machine at the college
    on the other side of the woods,
    no ID, no problem
  1. Cigarettes smell like fall leaves
    and look like lakes,
    Chuck Taylors circa 1993
  1. My mother threatened
    the Exxon employees who sold
    me cigarettes on Christmas
  1. CJ’s mom bought me Parliaments
    after I took his virginity but
    before he was institutionalized
  1. for bleeding the way
    I’d taught him, on cigarettes
    smoked after school
  1. Cigarettes kissing the pages
    of my teenage diary
    and my inner arms
  1. Smoking from my bedroom window
    and stubbing them out on the siding
    giving myself away
  1. The warm glow of his Swisher
    Sweet as he massaged my feet
    in the moonlight
  1. Bidis from the African House
    and the three months I thought
    I’d ditched nicotine
  1. The half-smoked cigarette
    I extinguished when he told me
    he didn’t think I could quit
  1. Never smoking again
    except for the time I was told
    a hand-rolled cigarette was weed
  1. The vape pen a woman
    half my age left on my nightstand,
    her sock beneath my bed


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